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How to setup the Agent

Posted by Mart Liu | Co-founder & CTO at ObserveAny on May 10, 2023

Subscribing and Creating Subscription Instances from AWS

You can subscribe to ObserveAny by searching for it in the AWS Marketplace. After subscribing, you will be prompted to redirect to ObserveAny for login or registration. Upon successful login or registration, you will see the Dashboard and proceed with creating a subscription instance.

Here are the steps to set up:

  1. Search for ObserveAny in the AWS Marketplace. aws search
  2. Subscribe to ObserveAny. subscribe
  3. Log in or register for an ObserveAny account. login
  4. Create a subscription instance. create instance

Preparations for Setup

To ensure a smooth setup process, please prepare the following items:

  1. Text editor.
  2. Agent software package.
  3. Namespace of the subscription instance.
  4. Token of the subscription instance.
  5. gRPC address of the subscription instance. token

Getting Started with Java Agent Configuration

  1. Download the Java Agent software package. If you haven't downloaded it yet, click Download to start.
  2. Extract the downloaded Java Agent package and open the config/agent.config file with a text editor. agent-config
  3. Modify the agent.service_name in the file to the name of your current project. sn
  4. Set agent.namespace to the namespace of the subscription instance. ns
  5. Update agent.authentication with the token of the subscription instance. auth
  6. Adjust collector.backend_service to the gRPC address of the subscription instance. bs
  7. Set agent.force_tls to "true" to enable TLS data transmission. tls

Configuring Your Java Application

Add the -javaagent option to the startup command of your Java application.

For example:

java -javaagent:/skywalking-agent/skywalking-agent.jar -jar your-application-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

At this point, all the configurations are complete. Click Console on the service instance operation button in the Dashboard and open the Console console ui

Good luck :)